Gypsy Jazz - Embraceable You

guitar backing track

Popular jazz song with music written in 1928 by George Gershwin was recorded by legendary French guitarist Django Reinhardt in 1946 with his Le Quintette Du Hot Club De France and French violinist Stephane Grapelli.
Same like many other Django;'s recording it became Gypsy jazz guitar standard.

Gypsy Jazz related videos

Stochelo Rosenberg Gypsy Jazz Academy - Clair de Lune 02:44 Stochelo Rosenberg Gypsy Jazz Academy - Clair de Lune
Hey Joe (Jimi Hendrix) in gypsy jazz mood 04:44 Hey Joe (Jimi Hendrix) in gypsy jazz mood
Claire the Lune  - Gypsy Jazz arrangement 06:22 Claire the Lune - Gypsy Jazz arrangement
Sereno - Mauro Albert - Gypsy Jazz 03:42 Sereno - Mauro Albert - Gypsy Jazz
Yamandu Costa plays Gypsy jazz 03:45 Yamandu Costa plays Gypsy jazz
Biréli Lagrene at Jazz in Marciac 2012 03:31 Biréli Lagrene at Jazz in Marciac 2012

Artist info

Gypsy Jazz Gypsy jazz, also known as gypsy swing or jazz manouche was developed by French Roman guitarist "Django" Reinhardt and his Quintette du Hot Club de France in the 1930s. During that time Renihardt's guintet brought to fame jazz violinist Stéphane Grappelli.
Since then many guitarists and bands continues this form of music, especially in Europe as this is where the style originates. Among most famous performers continuing gypsy jazz tradition in Europe are Stochelo Rosenberg, Biréli Lagrène, Joscho Stephan, Robin Nolan, Andreas Oberg, Dorado Schmitt and Angelo Debarre. Also several American musicians like Pearl Django, John Jorgenson or Frank Vignola often refer to gypsy jazz in their music.

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