Guitar Backing Tracks

Backing tracks in style of Iron Maiden

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Iron Maiden
One of heavy metal's most influential bands, Iron Maiden were formed in 1975, East London. Recorded in a hurry, band's self-titled debut album released1980 was successful nainly due to the single "Running Free." In 1982 Iron Miaden recorded album "The Number of the Beast." It became known as one of the all-time great rock albums and was a Top Ten seller in the U.K and several other countries. The band started touring extensively and many shows were played back-to-back in the same city. In late 80s INXS kept touring and experimenting with their music. After vocalist Bruce Dickinso departure, INXS returned in 1995 with "The X Factor" album, chosen Album of the Year awards in France and Germany. Iron Maiden remained active throughout the 2000s and recently announced Australian shows throughout May 2020.

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