Stop The War

Rafael Rabello - Sete Cordas

from Claudio Pezzella in Guitar Covers   38,818 views
This "lyrical" composition, full of poetic "phrasing" , is so beautiful that I thought to challenge myself and attempt to cover it as my TRIBUTE TO A GREAT GUITARIST : Rafael Rabello, who is still considered the best Brazilian guitarist ever.
Born October 31, 1962 Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Died April 27, 1995 (aged 32) Rio de Janeiro
Years of his activity 1974–1995
Rafael Baptista Rabello (October 31, 1962 – April 27, 1995) was a virtuoso Brazilian guitarist and composer. During the 1980s and 1990s, he was considered one of the best guitar player in the world and played with many famous artists, such as Tom Jobim, Ney Matogrosso, Paulo Moura, and Paco de Lucia .
In 1989, Rabello was involved in a car accident and suffered multiple fractures in his right arm. After a delicate surgery, he recovered and continued to play months later. However, during the surgery, he contracted HIV in a blood transfusion. Hopeless, he became addicted to alcohol and drugs. On April 27, 1995, Rafael Rabello died .
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per-olov4 years ago

Dear SIX MOONBEAMS. (I simply cannot find your name anywhere on your profile...).
What a great performance and beautiful music. Accompanied with the sad story/fate of Rafael Rabello, I felt connected to the music even more.
Mille grazie,


Dear Master Kindgren,
I'm extremely happy that you liked my humble perfonmance. I'm very fond of brazilian music that's why asked "Mario Gropp" to build for me a seven strings guitar I'm supposed to switch my nick name into ...SEVEN Moonbeams :-)
Thank you for your kind feedback , I appreciate .
Greetings from Perugia in the very heart of Italy and Take Care !