Jazz - Watermelon Man (Herbie Hancock)

guitar backing track

Watermelon Man is one of most popular jazz standard written ever by Herbie Hancock. It was first time recorded on his debut album, Takin' Off in 1962, featuring improvisations by Freddie Hubbard and Dexter Gordon. Watermelon Man became a hit when recorded by Cuban percussionist Mongo SantamarĂ­a and released as a Latin pop single tune later inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame. In response Hancock radically re-worked the tune,and recorded funky version on his 1973 album Head Hunters.

Jazz related videos

Watermelon Man (Herbie Hancock) 03:01 Watermelon Man (Herbie Hancock)
Tal Wilkenfeld with Herbie Hancock at Montreux Jazz Festival 2010 06:18 Tal Wilkenfeld with Herbie Hancock at Montreux Jazz Festival 2010
Pat Metheny & Herbie Hancock - Hurricane 15:15 Pat Metheny & Herbie Hancock - Hurricane
Lionel Loueke - Cantaloupe Island (Herbie Hancock) 04:12 Lionel Loueke - Cantaloupe Island (Herbie Hancock)
Pat Metheny & Herbie Hancock - Canteloupe Island 09:10 Pat Metheny & Herbie Hancock - Canteloupe Island
Alex Hutchings plays Herbie Hancock 09:07 Alex Hutchings plays Herbie Hancock

Artist info

Jazz Tthe most classic tips for becoming a better jazz improviser include, learning solos by ear, licks, and learning jazz standard. If you get into playing jazz it is expected that you will learn many standards, especially if you get into jamming or doing shows, it will be expected that you know all the popular tunes and can improvise around them. Learning to play jazz standards is essential part of being a jazz musician. Not always aspiring jazz guitarist have option to play live with real band's members. For this reason virtual band from jazz backing tracks is often the only options to learn chords or improvise over jazz tune.

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