Stop The War

Xiexie (For Miya) - Per-Olov Kindgren

from Per-Olov Kindgren in Classical Guitar   58,217 views
This is my way of saying "Thank You" to Miya that took so good care of me in Beijing during my visit there. She safely and brilliantly drove us around for hours in terrible traffic, cooked delicious meals, let me play her 7 stringed guitar and translated everything for me into perfect English. She is not only sweet, kind, beautiful and very smart but also sings a great karaoke! Saying thank you to Miya without mentioning John Rogerson is not possible. Without your friendship, I wouldn't have had this wonderful time in China. Xiexie John. Ni Hao piaoliang! :-)
Sheet music and tabs are available here: ...
Guitar: Per Hallgren:
Support: Kris Barnett.
Cameras: Canon XA30, HF200
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Vrecun7 years ago

Mr. Monkeybrain is back in europe. I am happy to watch your guitar-playing in your home again. Obviously you had a great time in china.
You will know your next exercise: writing to Wrrrrätschi (an amazing nice guy from Austria - god bless you!)

per-olov7 years ago

I am sorry Mr. Vrecun but I don't know any nice guy from Austria. Do you? But I know a very nice woman called Karin. Do you know her? She is nice! I think I will write to her husband. He is not a nice guy but I like him anyways. God bless you too, Mr.

Vrecun7 years ago


VeojamTeam7 years ago

So I guess you're back from China, Mr Peo. I wonder how did you find China. It's quite different culture, different people, different food. I was always wondering if it's really worth visiting by "older" people as tourists. Whatever, I'm glad you're back to Europe, with some good memories I suspect.

per-olov7 years ago

Yes, I am back from Beijing. Chinese are the most kind and sweet people I have met! I can warmly recommend a visit there! I will be back, that is for sure. Their culture is beautiful. To us Europeans, it is very different and that makes it very interesting. I stayed with a normal family in their home so I got to see the society as it is instead as a "tourist". That was a privilege. But if ever you have a chance so go there, do it! I will hold a classical guitar masterclass in Dali (south of China) in October 2017. Why not attend? :-)