Stop The War

Misty HD - Cheryl Grice-Watterson

from Veojam Team in Classical Guitar   59,136 views
6 years ago a video uploaded to our website of Cheryl Grice-Watterson playing "Misty" by Errol Garner attracted many visitors and Cheryl was featured as a guitarist of the month, also included in our list of acclaimed guitarists. Same video of Cheryl on our Youtube channel was also warmly received.
Recently Cheryl was performing live in concert at All Saints by the Sea, Anglican Church, BC, Canada and played "Misty" again. This was recorded with much better quality as you can watch here.
Sheet music for this "Misty" arrangement is available on Cheryl's website at

Cheryl became recognizable in late 1970′s, starring in a Julian Bream Masterclass playing Albeniz Sevillia. She was awarded second place in the prestigious Segovia competition, 1981. She gave up guitar in 1983 to raise a family and emigratet to New Zealand. After many years she's back to guitar, giving recitals, offering one to one lessons via Skype at all levels and all abilities.

Well to see you Sheryl in good health, playing guitar and touring. Warm regards from Veojam!
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saitolan@yahoo.fr3 years ago

On est vraiment dans l'atmosphère des années 50.Mais est il possible d'acheter la partition pour que je puisse créer la même atmosphère où que je me retrouve?

per-olov8 years ago

Beautiful! And played in a extremely difficult key! :-) Well done.
Per-Olov Kindgren