Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke

guitar backing track

"Sir Duke" was written by Stevie Wonderas a tribute to Duke Ellington and the lyrics also refer to other legendary jazz musicians Count Basie, "Glenn Miller", Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald.
It's popular to cover bass line just as great Nathan East did!

Stevie Wonder related videos

Pete Huttlinger - Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder 02:50 Pete Huttlinger - Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder
Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke acoustic arrangement 03:37 Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke acoustic arrangement
Nathan East - Sir Duke (Stevie Wonder) 04:13 Nathan East - Sir Duke (Stevie Wonder)
Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke - acoustic trio 03:27 Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke - acoustic trio
Sir Duke (Stevie Wonder) Solo Acoustic Cover 02:45 Sir Duke (Stevie Wonder) Solo Acoustic Cover
Stevie Ray Vaughan - Hideaway & Rude Mood 07:43 Stevie Ray Vaughan - Hideaway & Rude Mood

Artist info

Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder is living American legend of soul and R&B music. Blind since birth singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and record producer has recorded more than 30 U.S. top ten hits and won 25 Grammy Awards including a Lifetime Achievement Award. Many of his sangs belong to most covered by other established musicians and amateurs.
Barack Obama, President of the United States of America (2009-2017), named Stevie Wonder as his favourite artist of all time.

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