Guitar Backing Tracks

Backing tracks in style of Pantera

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Pantera was an American heavy metal band formed by the Abbott brothers, "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott (guitar) and Vinnie Paul Abbott (drums) in 1981. They became one of the most celebrated heavy metal bands of the 1990s. After releasing four independent albums, in 1990 Pantera recorded first commercially successful album on a major label Atco Records. Cowboys From Hell gained most of its exposure from Pantera's live performances. Pantera moved on to supporting slots on other major metal tours. Their album Far Beyond Driven, debuted at #1 in both U.S. and Australian album charts - the first metal album ever to achieve this. Pantera released 4 platinum albums, 3 gold home videos and earned 2 Grammy nominations.

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