Guitar Backing Tracks

Backing tracks in style of Cat Stevens

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Cat Stevens
Born to Greek-Cypriot father and a Swedish mother young promising artist had chosen the stage name Cat Stevens. One of his earliest songs ""The First Cut Is the Deepest" was recorded by Rod Stewart, James Morrison and Sheryl Crow. Soon after his creativity exploded and the world loved his next songs like "Lady D'Arbanville", "Father and Son", "Morning has Borken", "Peace Train" or "Moon Shadow". In 1977, Cat Stevens suddenly converted to Islam and adopted the name Yusuf Islam the following year.He auctioned all of his guitars for charity and hung his career. Almost 30 years later he fully returned to pop music as Yusuf, released new albums, started touring again.

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