Stop The War

SMILE - Charles Chaplin / Michael Jackson

from Wolfgang Vrecun in Classical Guitar   57,236 views
"Smile" is a song based on an instrumental theme used in the soundtrack for the 1936 Charlie Chaplin movie Modern Times. Chaplin composed the music, inspired by Puccini's Tosca. John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons added the lyrics and title in 1954. In the lyrics, based on lines and themes from the film, the singer is telling the listener to cheer up and that there is always a bright tomorrow, just as long as they smile. "Smile" has become a popular standard since its original use in Chaplin's film.
Wolfgang Vrecun made an arrangement for guitar solo.
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per-olov6 years ago

Dear Wolfgang,
This is one of my all time favorite melodies! I have made 4-5 different arrangements of it but never felt "satisfied". You made that arrangement! Damn you! :-) KIDDING! It is beautiful and so well played! Now I will trash mine.
PS. In this video effects you look as if you have the same white hair as I do! Old man from the south! HA!

Vrecun6 years ago

Sorry, I am late (as always) !
I already tried to arrange it last year, but I didn´t find satisfaction. Now I am happy that you like it!
PS: The hair not only getting white, they also decrease! :-(
big hugs from the old man from the south,