Stop The War

G. Santorsola: Prelude from Suite Antigua

from Per-Olov Kindgren in Classical Guitar   5,337 views
Guido Santorsola (born 18. November 1904 in Canosa di Puglia, Italy; died 24. September 1994 in Montevideo, Uruguay) was a South American composer and conductor. He spent most of his youth in Brazil where he studied the violin and composing. In later years he lived in Uruguay.

I have never heard anyone else play this piece. Strange... I have always loved it and in some ways it reminds me of A. M. Barrios... It is dedicated to Isaias Savio.
Hope you like it!
I am also proud to announce that my arrangements, compositions and transcriptions are now available for purchase/download at It is still growing so if you don't find a piece, it will be there soon. Please be patient...

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