Guitar Backing Tracks

Backing tracks in style of Yngwie Malmsteen

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Yngwie Malmsteen
Swedish neoclassical and heavy metal guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen was heavily influenced by classical music as a teenager, Paganini and Bach in particular. But his most important guitar influence is Deep Purple's guitarist Ritchie Blackmore. After short period in Steeler and Alcatrazz bands Malmsteen released his first solo album, Rising Force, an impressive mostly instrumental guitar work. The album gained Yngwie a Grammy nomination for best rock instrumental performance and now is considered the bible for neoclassical rock.In 2003, Yngwie joined the famous "G3" Tour aloing Satriani and Vai. Malmsteen's Arpeggios From Hell became an iconic challenge for aspiring neoclassical guitarists.

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