Guitar Backing Tracks

Backing tracks in style of Eric Johnson

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Eric Johnson
Texas guitarist Eric Johnson like fellow guitarists Johnny Winter, Billy Gibbons, and Stevie Ray Vaughan, blends the rock style of Jimi Hendrix and the blues power of Albert King. Known for his electric guitar skills, Johnson is also skilled acoustic, lap steel, resonator, and bass guitarist. Second track "Cliffs of Dover" from his debut album "Ah Via Musicom" (1990) won Johnson a 1991 Grammy Award for Best Rock Instrumental Performance. With fellow guitarists Joe Satriani and Steve Vai, Eric Johnson participated in The North American G3 first ever concert tour. Guitar Player magazine has called him "one of the most respected guitarists on the planet."

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